Christmas is the season of giving. With that in mind, Wingman Direct Marketing is happy to share that in the first 4 months of our fiscal year, we have already hit 53.4% of our annual donation goals.

Through WMDM ’s Wingman Wishes initiative, we have committed to donating $5,000 annually to the local Make a Wish Foundation chapter. As of December, we have surpassed the halfway point of our annual donation goal, committing $2,670 to date.

We have you to thank for a large portion of this feat. In October, we donated $5 for every contact that stayed with us as we transitioned from Daigle Direct to Wingman. At the Calgary Chamber Small Expo, we donated $5 for every ballot received to win one of our coveted flight jackets. We have had three incredible consultation meetings with (fingers crossed) future clients each donating $25 and us matching the donation each time. And, we have had several people organically subscribe to receive our emails.

In addition to the donations we have committed through client and prospect interactions and followers, WMDM also donated $1,000 through Southern Alberta Make-a-Wish’s Monsters and Martinis fundraiser.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us give back to our community through this worthy charity.

Merry Christmas!

Visit to learn more about Wingman Wishes and how you can get involved.

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