As some of you might have noticed over the last few weeks, Daigle Direct has been making subtle announcements of things to come. So today, after three years of success as a solopreneur in business consulting, I am extremely proud to announce the launch of an updated company name and brand identity, which includes new logos, colour schema, fonts and more.

Out with the old. In with the new.

As of today, Daigle Direct is no more and Wingman Direct Marketing has been born. It is an exciting time to be a part of Wingman (WMDM for short). Because our steady growth has allowed us to assist many new and existing clients to soar to new heights, we have been able to bring on new flight crew and have been forcibly nudged to soon seek out larger barracks for our flight crew in the near future.

So, as of today, you’ll now see our new identity — particularly our name and new Wingman logos and WMDM shield (all professionally designed by our incredible design partner, KP Design) — in everything we do and wherever we are. It is now reflected in our new email addresses, on our new website, at upcoming trade shows, on Facebook and Twitter and much more. I believe our new look better matches what we’ve become since 2016: a provider of thoughtful marketing solutions tailored to meet the unique needs and objectives of our equally unique clients. WMDM is a true leap forward in our efforts to move from “me” to we” in what we offer and how we offer it.

Our focus remains the same – your results

This change was made to our look and feel to assist us in conveying who we are and how we partner and help businesses in our community. This has allowed us to become even more laser-focused on your mission and to better reflect the way we help you succeed. So, what I’m saying should sound familiar to those who have worked with us in the past or currently on our roster of amazing clients. Now, our mission is simply more refined. We have always known well about who we are and how we strategize the missions of our clients. We have always strived to work with you as your marketing wingman to find and execute solutions that net positive results for your business — otherwise why would we do it?!

If you still have an old Daigle Direct business card lying around, flip it over and re-read our old mission statement. Nothing has changed in the way we work with you and support your objectives — except instead of the business and marketing wingman concept being a part of our ongoing metaphor, we have now made it a reflection of our over-arching entity.

So, what’s changed?

Actually, not much. We’ve gotten bigger and better but our consultative approach to developing tailored strategies and solutions remains solidly intact. But now, Wingman is a thriving team of multi-faceted marketing professionals. We are still a small(ish) yet nimble marketing crew with your objectives as our only focus but will be growing steadily over the coming months and years. In addition to our in-house flight crew, we have a highly specialized network of like-minded results-oriented partners and individuals we call upon almost daily to seamlessly help us help you.

From telecom companies to software start-ups to financial institutions to supply chain logistics organizations, our client-base is continually growing and is more diverse than ever. It is starting to feel like we do a bit of everything — which we do. But our clients’ individual needs and objectives dictates what solutions we execute on their behalf. Because we can do it all does not mean we should.

Pillars of Excellence

With all that said, we have streamlined our services into 4 key Wingman teams — pillars of excellence if you will. What are they? I’m glad you asked! They are:

If you want to learn more about how we can assist your business through these pillars of excellence, I encourage you to check out our new website ( and also remember to like/follow us on social media (@wingmandirect).

More important than what we can do for your business on a tactical level, we have organized our new company around Solutions. We hope to forge a long-term strategic partnership with each of our clients but sometimes, you just need a website developed or a mail campaign managed. Whether WMDM becomes an extension of your business, enhancement support for your existing team, or simply brought on-board to execute a one-off mission on your behalf, we got your back!

Wingman Wishes

We at Wingman have bolstered our corporate responsibility activities up to new stratospheres. Because it is not enough for us to simply assist our clients in achieving their marketing and business objectives. We take our role in the community and our corporate consciousness seriously. So much so that we plan to honour these through our commitment to our charity of choice — the local Southern Alberta Make-a-Wish Foundation chapter. WMDM has set a goal each year to raise and donate $5,000 to help grant wishes for worthwhile children in our community (check out how we aim to accomplish this feat here). So, on top of our financial pledge commitment, each Wingman crew member volunteers a minimum of 40 hours every year to Make-a-Wish and other worthwhile causes.

We couldn’t have done it without you!

We’re incredibly proud of the work that we do at Wingman and thankful for the flight crew, the partnerships, and clients that have accompanied us in our growth. We owe this rebrand to all of you.

As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Until then, keep an eye to the sky for Wingman and our flight crew as we continue our growth and continue our mission to be the best damn marketing crew around.


Wingman Direct Marketing

[email protected]

Ready to Soar?