When I tell people I work in digital marketing strategy, their next question is usually “so what do you actually do?”

Most of the time their assumption is that digital marketing = social media marketing. The truth is that this is only a part of what I do.

While social media can be a great way to get your content out there and build a community around your brand, the algorithms and responses are unpredictable. It’s why we recommend that companies use a holistic and varied approach to their digital marketing. Think of social media as the icing on a multi-layered cake when planning a well-rounded digital marketing strategy.

Planning Your Digital Marketing Strategy

So how do you do all that?

One definition of digital marketing is that it’s the strategy of using the internet to market your business. Seems straightforward enough right? The goal of your digital marketing strategy should be to create and optimize information in an online format that helps your ideal customers understand your business. This is a broad concept so let’s take some time to break it down.

Digital Marketing includes content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, website development and design, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, lead generation, lead nurturing, and email marketing. To ensure your digital marketing strategy is successful, it’s important to analyze each action. This way, you will know if your efforts are reaching your intended audience and if your audience is interested in what you are presenting.

Content Marketing

In this industry you’ll often hear the phrase “Content is King”.  Attributed to Bill gates in his 1996 essay by the same title, he is quoted saying:

“Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet, just as it was in broadcasting.”

The idea behind this sentiment is that engaging, well-produced content is one of the most valuable things you can do to market your business. While content is often the most time-consuming and the most expensive part of a digital marketing strategy, it is essential. It’s how you engage and excite potential customers. When you provide valuable information and keep your audience informed about your company and trends in the industry, you communicate that your digital spaces add value.

There’s a lot of noise on the internet. Content marketing helps you show customers that your business knows it’s stuff, and that you won’t waste their time.

As the business owner, you will know the best types of content your customers need. Using keywords, you can create content about the most important topics for your company. When you develop a library of company assets that are well-written or produced, authoritative, relevant, and attract your audience’s attention, you will quickly become known as an authority in your industry.

Content Marketing Assets Include:

Content marketing includes social media, lead generation, lead nurturing, and email marketing.

Website Design and Development

Content marketing assets are great tools for building your brand, but don’t let them distract you from putting work into your website. After all, your website is your most important digital asset. A good website presents a clear message and has easy navigation. User experience is something that can’t be overlooked as you seek to create a visually appealing design. It’s also necessary that your site follows SEO best practices. You’ll accomplish this with both on-page SEO and technical SEO best practices.

When your website is fully optimized you have the best opportunities to rank in search. Incorporate SEO into your website content, meta descriptions, and titles for key terms your buyer persona is using to search for businesses like yours.

Finally, you’ll need to connect your website to Google Analytics and Search Console so you can ensure your site is being found on Google and cash in on those clicks!

Where Do You Start, and Who Do You Trust?

The truth is there are a lot of great digital marketers with great ideas. The best way to know who to trust is to see who is transparent. If marketers are willing to teach you what they know to help you get started, that’s helpful. You also want to listen to a company that can prove with case studies that their methods work. Will a company show you that blogging is helping them grow their reach? Can a company explain how email marketing impacts its growth?

If a company cannot transparently show that its strategies work, why should you waste your time trying them?

Ask to see examples of their previous work or hear what clients have to say about them before you make your decision.

You Need a Simplified Digital Marketing Strategy

At Wingman, we’ve seen business who struggled with their digital marketing transform their approach find great success.

Whether you’re looking for a co-pilot to take you from takeoff to landing or someone to help you with your one-off mission, we can be your Wingman.

Book a Wingman today. You don’t have to fly solo!!

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