Get started with Wingman to assess your current situation, compile your goals, and create your customized AI & Digital Transformation Strategy Plan, Marketing Strategy, Brand Strategy, and/or Website Strategy.
We walk you through the entire process from analysis to execution.
Then, with our guidance and our assistance, you apply for whichever program(s) you qualify for.
We can work with you to find potential funding – and possibly even assist with the application.
This can be via a flat fee or percentage-based fee structure.
With your plan completed and the planning and/or execution partially or completely funded, we can help prioritize what needs to be done first.
Your company might have a DIY spirit and only needed Wingman DX to help you know what the next right thing to do is. If that’s the case, that’s amazing!!
If you need a hand – whether DIWY or DIFY, Wingman has the resources or circle of influence to get the job done right.
You have your ideas, your plan, and (possibly) some funding so it is time for your company to soar!!
Work with Wingman DX to implement your unique plan (DIWY or DIFY).
Whether your plan includes recommendations for:
… Wingman DX is here to work with you in implementation of your solution.
Get the latest news and updates on everything A.I. and Digital Transformation, Digital Marketing, Branding, and Web Design & Development!