
CDAP Digital Advisory
Resources from Wingman DX, your digital co-pilot

Digital Resources

Funding Opportunities

We can assist you find funding opportunities for your organization to do the things you want to do. Grants, loans, hiring subsidies and more.

Website Content Analysis ($199)

Do you truly know what your website is saying to your prospects and clients? Get full assessment.

Other Free stuff

Case Studies, White Papers, Audits, etc.


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Insights (Blogs) from your digital co-pilot


Top 4 Marketing Ideas for Electricians

Are you an electrician who wants to grow your business with digital marketing? Running a business while implementing the proper marketing strategies can be tough. Unsure of how to market your electrician business to it’s full potential? Continue reading to find out the top 4 marketing ideas for electricians. We understand, you have a lot on your plate providing outstanding customer

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Marketing Strategies for Psychologists

Marketing Strategies for Psychologists

Mental health affects so many of us daily, on average 1 in 5 Canadians suffer every year from mental illness. Having the tools and resources to help individuals who suffer from this is very important. As a psychologist you are providing a service that makes a life-changing impact and ultimately could save someone’s life. It is important for individuals to

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4 Marketing ideas for landscapers

4 Marketing Ideas for Landscapers

  Implementing the proper marketing strategies for your landscaping business is needed to help continue your company’s success. We understand It can be tricky running a business and trying to market properly. Continue reading to discover 4 marketing ideas for landscapers.  It’s no secret that the landscaping business is a highly competitive market — especially in a country with a relatively short growing season.

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5 Pillars of Marketing

Wingman’s 5 Pillars of Marketing 

What are Wingman’s 5 Pillars of Marketing? You’ve heard of Jerome McCarthy’s managerial approach to marketing – the 4-P’s. Product, Place, Price and Promotion make up the Marketing Mix students have been studying since the late 1950’s. Product solves a problem, price defines the value, promotion allows you to talk about it and place makes it available for a satisfactory

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Improve Your Google Ranking

6 Tried-And-True Steps to Improve Your Google Ranking

To improve your Google ranking, sometimes you must dip back into tried-and-true tactics. Unlike in the movie, “Field of Dreams,” if you build it, they will NOT come. You have a beautifully designed and developed website. You might even have Pulitzer award worthy content. It won’t mean a thing if no one can find your site. Ranking well in Google

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2023 Budgeting Tips!

2023 is right around the corner! Is your business prepared to reach new heights? Every year we at Wingman help businesses set goals for their marketing strategies so that they can head into the new year feeling prepared and confident. Keep reading for some common marketing budget strategies to assist you in getting your 2023 marketing budget in order. As

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Work-life balance

5 Strategies to Achieve Work-Life Balance as an Entrepreneur

I don’t usually get this personal online but this past month, I had a health scare and it put a few work-life balance into perspective for me as a husband, as a father and as a business owner.   I was sick for over a week before finding myself in the hospital for 4 days. (I am fine). The hospital is

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Ultimate 2023 Seasonal Guide

2023 Seasonal Marketing – The Ultimate Planning Guide

Once again, the seasons are changing…the coldest time of the year is upon us. With the cold snowy breeze blowing in the air and the quietness that this season brings has a way of bringing shifts in perspective and habits that your business can use to plan a successful seasonal marketing campaign. With the beginning of the year just starting,

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